What to Expect


Visiting a Jewish Synagogue for the first time is much like visiting any new church. It’s perfectly natural to have questions and feel a little excited. But fear not! We promise to make your experience enjoyable, comfortable, and a true blessing!

There are two very important things to remember about Sar Shalom. First, we are alive! That means we have a pulse; worship services are exciting, relevant, joyful, and full of life. Second, this is a fellowship of normal people, just like you, who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes and wish to hear His voice and walk in His ways, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength!

Weekly Schedule

  • Shabbat Service: 10:30am-1pm
  • Shabbat Oneg Luncheon: 1:30pm-2:30pm (kosher, pareve and dairy only)
  • Shabbat Classes: 2:30pm-3:30pm (registration required)
  • Midweek Services: 7:30pm-8:30pm (suspended at our temporary location)
  • Office Hours: Weekdays, 10am-4pm (beginning Aug.2014)

Upon Arriving

When you enter the building please visit the welcome table (located just outside of the sanctuary) to inquire about child care, rest room locations, and other helpful information.

What to Bring

Let’s see…bring your scriptures (Chumash, Tanak, or bible), your family, your friends, and your neighbors. That will make a great start! If you have a Siddur (Jewish prayer book) please bring it along as well.

If you would like to bring a dish for the Oneg luncheon, please be sure your food is cooked in advance (crock pots are welcome), verifiably kosher, and does not contain meat of any kind (kosher fish, such as tuna and salmon, is of course acceptable.)

What to Wear on Shabbat

The Jewish tradition is to “dress up” for the Sabbath, with proper attire for this special day. In keeping with the decorum of our shul and sanctity of Shabbat, our dress code is very simple:

  • Men should wear dress pants and dress shirts. Shorts, t-shirts, or ripped / stained attire is not appropriate. 
  • Women should dress modestly according to Jewish standards. Tight or revealing clothing is not appropriate.
  • If you’re uncertain about a certain article of clothing, err on the side of discretion.

In the church world, a popular phrase is “just come as you are.” The intent for this is admirable and true, as G-d certainly loves us all unconditionally. On the other hand, Sar Shalom is a synagogue and not a “church.” We choose to elevate the Sabbath in every way; which includes the way we dress. Remember, we’re not here “to be seen” but only to enter into the presence of the Most High. Therefore, anything that draws unnecessary attention to us as individuals should be avoided; which includes clothing.

You’ll notice most of our members (male and female) wear head coverings in keeping with Jewish and scriptural tradition. Some men wear a kippah or hat, and some women wear a hat, wig, or tichel (head scarf.) As an observant Jewish synagogue, head coverings are encouraged, but certainly not required.

Sanctuary Seating

The center of Jewish life is the home and family, which we strive to reflect and encourage in our services with our seating arrangements. At the same time, the purpose of attending synagogue each week is drawing near to G-d, and focusing on Him exclusively. Therefore, in keeping with long held Jewish observances and the greater purposes of Shabbat services, Sar Shalom offers three seating sections: Men, Women, and Families.

  • Men who are above bar mitzvah age (13 and older) are encouraged to sit in the “Mens” section.
  • Women who are above bat mitzvah age (12 and older) are encouraged to sit  in the “Womens” section.
  • The remainder of the seating is for married couples and families who prefer to sit together.
  • Children who are under the bar / bat mitzvah age are welcome to sit with their parent(s) in any section, regardless of the child’s gender.
  • The purpose of separate seating is not to create “divisions” but to honor our G-d given “distinctiveness” within the spirit and purpose of Sabbath services.

Click for Shabbat Morning Information

Click for Midweek Evening Information

For additional information about Sar Shalom, please visit the Why Visit Sar Shalom page and the FAQs page. If you still have unanswered questions, please use the Contact Us page to email us directly. Even better, let experience be your teacher and simply join us this coming Shabbat. We look forward to seeing you!