Online Resources


The Internet can be an excellent source of information and inspiration. Unfortunately, it can also lead to confusion, controversy, and outright conflict.

Sar Shalom is unique among observant Jewish synagogues in that we accept the Jewish Messiah presented in scripture (TaNaK and the Gospels/Epistles) came as Mashiach Ben Yoseph (the suffering servant) who lived and taught in perfect Torah observance, and will return again as Mashiach Ben David (the triumphant king.) On the other hand, as a Torah observant body of believers, Sar Shalom also stands apart from those mainline protestant/catholic and messianic churches who propagate fundamentally anti-Semitic theology and/or doctrine which does not align with G-d’s Torah.

Within the spectrum of “messianic Judaism” or “Hebrew roots of Christianity” there are thousands of informational and congregational websites. Many of these sites offer a degree of relevant information; but as a whole do not align with the beliefs, observances, mission /vision, and halacha of Sar Shalom. Indeed, many are blatantly anti-Semitic, while others present completely inaccurate information and interpretation of scripture and history.

Due to Sar Shalom’s extremely unique position within the Jewish faith, there is very little online information that fully aligns with our ministry. This makes recommending other websites very challenging – to say the least.

To help members and attenders of Sar Shalom sort the good from the bad, our leadership has begun reviewing online resources to determine which ones align best with our Jewish foundations and observances, and our faith in Messiah Yeshua.

The following websites have been reviewed and are recommended by our leadership, even though most do not support our position on Messianic faith:

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If you have questions about anything you read on one of the recommended websites, or questions about a website not on this list, please use the Contact Us page to send us the website URL in question. We’ll be glad to review your message and reply to you as quickly as possible.