Class Videos

Hatchalah Class

Hatchalah – which means “starting from scratch” – presents a fresh perspective on core biblical principles and historical truths that have been ignored or suppressed (and therefore forgotten) for a very long time. We do this by directly addressing several critical topics which – due to the loss of original Hebraic perspective – have been misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misapplied for literally thousands of years. What is the Torah? Who is the Messiah? What are the Moedim? What are the covenants? And perhaps the most challenging of all: “But Paul said…”

If you have any interest at all in what is commonly known as “messianic Judaism” these videos are an excellent introduction to walking out a Torah observant faith as believers in Yeshua.

Hatchalah (hat-kha-lah / “starting from scratch”)

Taught by Zaken Yochanan Turbeville

Taught by Mordechai Lynam

To Be A Jew Class

B’ezrat HaShem, Additional series videos will be available soon!