Special Giving

Send Special Donations Securely Online!

When you wish to make an online donation separate from your tithes & offerings, to support specific areas of Sar Shalom’s ministry, please use this page.

Perhaps you wish to help purchase new equipment for our synagogue. Maybe you want to help pay for books or other materials for Sar Shalom to provide to visitors and new members. Would you like to make an anonymous donation to our Tzedakah fund? Whatever HaShem has put on your heart, you can now make a fully secure online donation anytime you like using your PayPal account or a major credit card.

To make your donation, simply click the button below to be connected with the fully secure PayPal website. Please be sure to indicate the purpose of your special donation so we know where to apply your gift. Once your transaction is complete, you’ll be automatically returned to the Sar Shalom website. Blessings and shalom to you!